
Website availability and load speed monitoring service WEBO Pulsar was launched by WEBO Software in August, 2010. WEBO Software is the world known leader in web performance, monitoring and audit solutions for websites of any complexity. WEBO Pulsar service allows testing with several protocols and methods and notifies responsible personel in case of emergency. Simple user interface allows to get stats for any period. You can also test website availability from any number of testing edges (Russian, European, etc).

Please have a look at service conditions for webmasters and for companies.

To start using WEBO Pulsar you must register an account or use webo.name account credentials. By registering in WEBO Pulsar you accept User Agreement.

Available test types


HTTP is the main protocol to transfer information between website and its users. Usually HTTP inaccesibility for a certain URL means that users can't visit this URL. If it is your website or e-store down — then you lose your visitors.

Actually HTTPS differs from HTTP only with secured connection on a lower layer of network model. HTTPS is used to setup a secured connection between website and users. If your website or e-store (or required pages on them) is opened only via HTTPS, then you need to use this test type.

HEAD method test

This method of HTTP or HTTPS tests allows you to get general information about website availability and response time. This method means no response body (i.e. HTML document), and this restricts you to get information is certain website working correctly or isn't.

GET method test

GET is the most popular method to transfer data between website and users. With GET method test you can additionally test website content for given line (code) which will be looked for through a response document. And if this line exists in the document you will know for sure that website works, and it works correctly.

POST method test

It is the most complicated method for HTTP or HTTPS connection. It is mostly used to change information on server. Also this method is common for web services which are working with input data. With the help of POST method tests you can not only test for certain line (code) availability in server response but also send test data to the server with POST request (using key1=value1&key2=value2... format).


FTP is the oldest protocol in the Web. Now it is used to download and upload files to remote servers, directory listings, and some other technical operations. With FTP availability test you can also check for any file or folder existence.

FTPS is the same to FTP protocol with the only difference — all transaction are performed via SSL connection layer.


Test is being performed with ICMP packets transfer. If there are any (packet) losses during this transfer or any other network error this information is being reported. Ping test shows how stable is network connection to the current server, and if there are any troubles with HTTP packets transfer.


DNS is a distributed network system to get information about domains. You can test the following DNS records: А (address), CNAME (canonical name), MX (mail exchange), and SOA (start of authority).

DNS record correctness guarantees that website or web service is being accessible from the right server with its name (domain).

DNS record A test

A record (address record) links host name with its IP address. This record successful test guarantees that users will get the website from the correct server after they have entered website address in their browser.

DNS record CNAME test

CNAME record (canonical name record) links an alias for host name with any other host name. This record successful test guarantees that users will be forwarded to get the correct host from after they have entered website address in their browser.

DNS record MX test

MX record (mail exchange) points to the server(s) for mail exchange for the current domain. This record successful test guarantees that correct mail exchange server will be used to transfer e-mails for this domain.

DNS record SOA test

SOA record (start of authority) points to the server with initial information about domain zone. This record successful test guarantees that general info about this domain is being hosted on the correct server.


This test type allows to control actual website loading speed using Internet Explorer 8 and its onLoad event. Regular load speed tests will help to find and fix a lot of client side problems on a website.


This test type allows to control actual website loading speed using Google Chrome and its onLoad event.


This test type allows to control actual website loading speed using Mozilla Firefox and its onLoad event.


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