Action get

All checks' data can be obtained by requests like the following


There are 3 required parameters: key, action, url - if any one is not set there is an error displayed.

APIKEY - API key, it can be obtained on account page webopulsar.com/account/ (at the very bottom).

URLID - check ID, it can be got from check result page (displayed as parameter for data export (CSV, HTML, WIZ) - url_id - and as an anchor for check block id="check-URLID").

edge - edge id, for which data is obtained. If no edge - data for all edges will be obtained available edges.

start - start date for data obtained as YYYY-mm-dd, for example, 2013-01-01

end - end date for data obtained as YYYY-mm-dd, for example, 2013-01-01

Returned data format (XML):


timestamp - test time stamp.

response - response code, error codes.

time - response time (if no errors), according to check options.

details - error details (if any).

edge - edge id from which data is obtained.


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